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What happens if my project requires an extension?

Projects will be expected to be completed within a 12-month timeframe. If an extension is required, the request must be made to your Key Account Manager or the Power of Business Help Desk if you do not have a Key Account Manager. BC Hydro will assess the request, and...

What is ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager?

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager is a web-based benchmarking tool developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that allows you to benchmark the energy performance of your buildings. It has been adapted for use by Canadian users and includes, Canadian weather...

What is a Utility Account Manager and how do I find mine?

A utility account manager (FortisBC) or key account manager (BC Hydro) assists commercial and business customers with their energy needs. They are able to answer any questions about utility services, rates, energy efficiency, and incentive programs. Many of the...

How do I apply for ENERGY STAR® certification?

Certain building types can achieve ENERGY STAR® certification. ENERGY STAR certified commercial and institutional buildings have a high level of energy performance and meet strict standards set by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). To qualify, you must do the...